GTA projects $3 billion revenue for 2024 as tourist numbers surge

Speaking to ‘JoyNews’ in Parliament, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Revenue Authority, Akwesi Agyemang, stated that Ghana is prepared to host at least 1.3 million tourists in the second half of 2024.

He noted that the first half of the year saw nearly 600,000 visitors to Ghana.

“We are very hopeful that we will surpass, and we have also had some engagement with organisations in the U.K., which is number 3 on the list for us, second to Nigeria, to promote Ghana strongly in the UK market. In all, it is about 3.8 billion that we anticipate coming into the country, and we hope the private sector can take advantage of some of these things that are happening.”

The tourism CEO said that air conditioning had been a significant issue, but a few weeks ago, the ministry received new air conditioning units. He added that the minister has instructed management to implement measures to ensure that the facility is upgraded to a higher standard.

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