Prof Opoku-Agyemang promotes NDC’s Women’s Development Bank in the market

Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, the running mate of John Mahama for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the 2024 presidential election, has announced the party’s plan for the National Women’s Development Bank (WDB).

The NDC views this as a well-considered policy to be implemented upon taking office in January 2025, which is expected to significantly improve the lives of many Ghanaian women.

She emphasised that women entrepreneurs and traders in Ghana have consistently struggled to secure capital to grow and enhance their businesses.

The Women’s Development Bank is designed to help them overcome these financial challenges.

Professor Opoku-Agyemang made these remarks during her visit to the Mallam Atta, Kaneshie, and Makola markets, where she engaged with local market women.

At the Mallam Atta Market, hundreds of traders left their stalls to greet her, and she promised them a better economic environment and improved livelihoods under the next NDC government.

The traders voiced their concerns about the economic hardships and high costs of doing business, which are threatening their enterprises, and expressed their desire for a solution.

She highlighted that the Women’s Development Bank aims to offer loans with flexible repayment terms to female traders, describing it as an innovative initiative to empower women financially and improve the well-being of women and their households.

She said this visionary initiative will address the financial challenges facing women whose trading businesses are collapsing.

Touching on the deplorable conditions in the markets, Prof Opoku-Agyemang said the NDC has a plan for the rehabilitation of markets across the country, indicating that a facelift for the Mallam Atta Market would be considered.

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