Airtel’s Vroomula Amajja picks pace

Among the motorbike winners were individuals from diverse backgrounds, including Julius Ogeimungu from Zombo District and Wanyana Betina from Nsambya, Kampala District. Ogeimungu shared his excitement about the unexpected win.

I was at my construction site when I got the call. It felt unreal until it was confirmed. This motorbike is a game-changer for me.” Similarly, Betina initially skeptical about the authenticity of her win, verified it personally at an Airtel store, turning her disbelief into joy.

Japhet Aritho, Managing Director of Airtel Uganda Mobile Commerce, highlighted the campaign’s dual benefits: rewarding customers and driving the digital economy.

This campaign reflects our commitment to changing lives, fueling dreams, and driving Uganda towards a future where digital transactions are the norm,” said Aritho.

The ‘Vroomula Amajja’ campaign, set to run for three months, will continue to reward users with more exciting prizes. Eligibility for the draw requires participating in any Airtel Money transaction, which includes payments for utilities, school fees, and even cross-border money transfers.

Aritho emphasized, “Our services are designed to offer convenience and security, encouraging more Ugandans to trust and utilize digital financial solutions.

As the campaign progresses, Airtel aims to not only expand its customer base but also deepen understanding and trust in digital financial services among the Ugandan population. By doing so, Airtel is playing a crucial role in shaping the financial behaviors that are key to economic development and financial inclusion in the region.

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