Woman dies after being thrown out of a moving taxi in Kumasi


Eyewitnesses say they saw the woman being pushed out of the taxi, which raised an alarm. The unknown persons, however, drove off immediately after some residents started to shout.

They narrated that the woman passed away a few minutes after they arrived at the scene and tried to help. The police were informed of the incident and they have thus conveyed the body to the morgue.

The family of the deceased has been identified, and the police have launched an investigation into the incident.

The brothers, aged 22 and 18, had reportedly argued about the missing phone while they were in Abuja.

Fueled by anger, they followed Abubakar back to Zaria, where they buried him alive as a form of punishment.

The boy was discovered in the early hours of Monday, August 12, 2024, when a good Samaritan noticed his head protruding from a hole in an abandoned property.

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