Bukedea Residents Lock Police Post Over Corruption

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By Weswa Ronnie




Angry residents of Kabarwa Sub County in Bukedea district on Thursday, 15th August, 2024 locked their police post demanding the immediate transfer of OC Wilbroad Oile over allegations of corruption.


Locals accuse Oile of continuing with corruption in the area by extorting money from suspects before releasing them and allegedly conniving with criminals who terrorize the public.


The OC was locked at office until Police from Bukedea central police station came and rescued him at mid day.


Julius Otim, one of the bitter locals says that as residents they are not ready to continue working with Oile and urged his superiors to transfer him to another place and they give them another one.


He also alleged that they have information that Oile works with suspected thugs who disturb locals by stealing their cows.


William Tukei, the Resident District Commissioner of Bukedea confirmed the incident saying he is going to meet with DPC and see how to transfer the OC.


He says that they are going to investigate the allegations labeled against Oile and if found true, he is going to face the law urging locals to be calm.

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