Entebbe MP Bashes Katabi Mayor for Allowing KCCA Use Nkumba Dumpsite

Hon. Micheal Kakembo addressing councilors on Thursday scaled e1723802973315

By Sadique Bamwita




The Entebbe Municipality Legislator Hon. Michael Kakembo Mbwatekamwa has bashed the Katabi Town Council Mayor Ronald Kalema Basamulekele over signing an illegal Memorandum of Understanding with officials of Kampala Capital City Authority.


This MOU allows KCCA to dump garbage at Nkumba Dumpsite following  Kiteezi landfill tragedy that left many people dead and others still missing.


The angry legislator says it’s very clear the Nkumba dumpsite which is approximately 14acres belongs to Entebbe Municipal council not Katabi Town Council where Kalema is the Mayor.


Hon. Kakembo who was addressing councilors and members of Entebbe Municipal Development Forum, said on Thursday 15, 2024, during a meeting held in the Council Boardroom that mayor Kalema went beyond his limit when he unscrupulously signed a memorandum of Understanding with Kampala Lord mayor Elias Lukwago to allow KCCA garbage trucks dump garbage at Nkumba dumpsite, a garbage site that was bought by Entebbe Municipal council way back in 1998.


Hon. Kakembo says the dirty deal showed how dishonest mayor Kalema is, in addition to exposing his greed and thirst for money.


“It’s really a big shame for a full mayor to engage in dirty deals yet he knew very well that Nkumba dumpsite belongs to Entebbe Municipal council but because he wanted something to put in his pocket, he decided to authorize KCCA to dump garbage at the Entebbe municipal council’s gazetted garbage dumpsite in Nkumba zone, Wakiso district,” Kakembo said.


he says he suspects the Mayor couldt have pocketed something relatively big but warned that he will have to cough it up because they don’t recognize his agreement he signed with Kampala Lord Mayor to allow KCCA to dump garbage at Nkumba dumpsite.


“It’s indeed an insult for mayor Kalema to go beyond his territory and attempt to usurp our power because of his insatiable appetite for quick money. He should know Entebbe Municipality deserves better,” he added.


Hon. Kakembo said mayor Kalema has been given a week to apologize to council over his involvement in a dirty deal in addition to making a public apology in different media outlets and social media platforms and failure to comply he will face it rough.


The Entebbe Deputy Mayor, Charles Kabwama described Mayor Kalema’s actions as total disrespect adding that he is a disgrace to voters who elected him and warned voters to be careful when voting leaders in positions of responsibility.


Meanwhile, several KCAA trucks are stuck and are in a cue from Nkumba University to Nkumba dumpsite after Entebbe Municipal council halted dumping garbage at the disputed site.


Currently a full council meeting is going on and council is expected to give its position whether to allow KCCA to continue dumping garbage at Nkumba dumpsite or not.

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