Butaleja Asst RDC, District Speaker Clash Over Fees Payment in Gov’t Schools


By Weswa Ronnie




Richard Kasozi, the Assistant RDC of Butaleja district, exchanged bitter words with Yunus Hamila, the district speaker for Butaleja, over charging fees at government schools.


Kasozi, while addressing mourners at the burial ceremony of late Jackson Were at Busaba town council on Thursday, 15th August 2024 condemned teachers who continuously charge fees in UPE and USE schools despite a ban which was plAced by the President.


Kasozi, argued that parents in UPE and USE should only buy scholastic materials, and uniforms for their children, raise money for feeding or other extra requirements on private arrangements but not forcefully.


Kasozi, further said that some government aided schools are demanding parents to pay extra fees between 30,000 to 100,000 which he said is illegal.


However,  Hamila openly attacked Kasozi saying that this is going to spoil the education system in Butaleja district.


He says that the small fee known as PTA charged at government schools helps to facilitate teachers such that they can have morale to teach.


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