Bukedi Diocese Synod Okays Creation of Two New Dioceses

Bishop Egesa

By Matthew Okello




An assembly of the Clergy and the Laity in Bukedi Diocese known as the Synod chaired by the Bishop Rt. Rev.  Samuel George Bogere Egesa has passed a resolution to have more parishes, archdeaconry and other dioceses carved out of Bukedi diocese.


The historical meeting took place at the St. Peter’s Cathedral on Thursday, 15th August, 2024 that drew participation from all the 122 parishes within the diocese.


While giving his charge literally translated as speech to the 14th Synod sitting, Bishop Egesa told the assembly that the meeting was called to formally and officially respond to the Vision of Church of Uganda “a faster growing sustainable Christ centered church.”


He further told the delegates that it’s time for Bukedi diocese to grow by creating two new dioceses that is the proposed North Bukedi diocese and proposed Bukedi South diocese.


The Bishop also presented a list of 16 sub stations to be elevated to parishes all in greater Pallisa and Busia districts and he also presented a request to the assembly to have 3 new archdeaconry in the diocese that includes Samia Bugwe North curved from Samia Bugwe, Samia Bugwe West curved from Samia Bugwe Central and Samia Bugwe North West curved from Samia Bugwe.


The Synod then unanimously resolved to have the new administrative units within the diocese created including curving two dioceses from Bukedi diocese. However, Mark Olweny Omalla proposed that the current Tororo and Butaleja districts remain as Bukedi diocese so that the name Bukedi is preserved.


The Bishop then gave the different archdeaconry councils a 4 months period to finish the remaining process including establishing the proposed headquarters of new dioceses.


The Bukedi diocese chancellor, Justice James Munange Ogoola also took the opportunity to inform the Synod that the church of Uganda is also planning to create 4 new provinces in Eastern, Northern, Western and central to help take services closer to the faithfuls but also reflecting growth within the church.


This will be exhaustively discussed at the forthcoming provincial assembly on 20th August 2024 and they will base their discussion from the report produced by the house of the bishops.

Meanwhile the diocesan secretary Charles Fairfax Okiror told the gathering that the construction of the Bukedi house is soon commencing but also asked to participate in the forthcoming ordination of the 31 deacons come 8 September 2024 at St. Peter’s cathedral.


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