NAMISINDWA: Armed Thugs Rob Wholesale Shop, Set It Ablaze

IMG 20240815 WA0036

By Weswa Ronnie




There was shock at Wakibya village, Bukulungu parish, Bungati Sub County in Namisindwa district on the morning of Thursday, 15th August, 2024 after residents woke up to find a Wholesale Shop on fire.


According to Perez Bikala Waswa, the Bungati Sub County to district Councilor, the shop belongs to a one James Nambuyila Kigayi.


He says that at about 2am, unknown thugs armed with guns broke into the shop and went away with Shs80M Shillings and later poured petrol in the shop and set it ablaze.


Stephen Wakoli, the LC3 Chairperson of Bungati Sub County confirmed the incident saying this is the first time such an incident has happened in the area.


He urged the district security team to treat this matter seriously and take action.


By press time, police and security leaders in the district were not yet aware about the incident.


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