Rwenzori Marathon kit launched | Monitor


As the dates for the 2024 Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon get closer, organizers are doing the final touches to ensure a successful event.

The marathon is slated for August 24 in Kasese, with runners taking part in 42km, 21km, 10km and 5km races.

On Wednesday, the organizers of the marathon unveiled the different kits that will be used by runners in the different categories.

Uganda Breweries Limited’s Commercial Director, Emmy Hashakimana, alongside other key stakeholders and sponsors, officially unveiled the kit alongside in an event held at UBL headquarters in Luzira Wednesday afternoon.

“As we unveil this year’s kit, I must say, I am proud of the incredible milestones the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon has attained in a few years,” Hashakimana said during the launch, which was also graced by artist Vinka.

The newly unveiled kits combine both functionality and style. The Kit which features ergonomic designs and vibrant neon green, is tailored to enhance the performance of every participant, come race day.

The half marathon kit is blue in colour, different from the green that will be worn by participants of the 42km, 10km and 5km.

The colour distinction, according to the organizers, is a strategic move to aid race logistics, allowing organizers and marshals to easily identify runners and guide them on their race route efficiently, considering there are some points that will be overlapping along the route.

In addition to the runners’ shirts, the year’s kit also includes a new drawstring bag, complementing the water bottle and waist bag.

Tusker Lite Rwenzori Marathon

Categories: 5km, 10km, 21km, 42km

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