Mirundi to be buried on Sunday

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The family of the late Joseph Tamale Mirundi has released the arrangements for his burial.
There will be a requiem Mass at St Gyaviira Catholic Church Bunnamwaya at 10am today, before the body is taken to his Zzana residence for an overnight vigil.

Tomorrow, the body will be taken to his Kyengera residence for Mass at 10am and an overnight vigil later, while on Saturday, the body will leave for Kalagala Village in Kaliisizo, Rakai District for a vigil.
Mirundi’s body will be laid to rest at 2pm at Kalagala Village, Kaliisizo in Rakai District after a church service. 

His elder brother John Ssali, while addressing media, said the body will spend the night at his residence before it is taken to Bunamwaya Catholic Church, and then taken back to his home. 
The body will then be taken to Kyengera for prayers and then a vigil at his Kyengera residence before it is taken to Kalisizo, Kyotera District, for burial on Sunday at 2pm.

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