NAMISINDWA: Locals Lockout Sub County Chief, LCIII Boss from Offices

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By Weswa Ronnie




Work at Bukhabusi Sub County head offices in Namisindwa district on Wednesday, 14th August, 2024 came into a standstill after locals locked the offices.


According to Noor Mwelu, the Bukhabusi sub county to district Councilor, Generous Nakhaima, the Sub County Chief connived with David Mutenga, the LCIII chairperson to misuse over 5 million shillings which was budgeted to do a number of projects in the FY2023/24.


He mentioned some of the projects as Murugurwe bridge which the sub county allocated 1.43 million shillings, Bumulanyi bridge 743,000 shillings, Nakhumunyu bridge 1.3 million shillings among others.


Tadewo Murefu, sub county Councilor representing Bukhabikula parish says that all those projects were supposed to get finished in last financial year but there is no work done to date.


He adds that they have tried several times talking to the Sub county LCIII Chairperson to intervene into this matter but he has paid a deaf ear giving them to suspect that he is in the know of how this money was misused.


Moses Lwala LCII Chairperson of Bumakunya Parish says that they have written a number of letters to the office of the Chief Administrative Officer of Namisindwa and LC5 chairperson requesting for the transfer of the Sub county chief but nothing has happened.


Locals add that they are not ready to open the offices until they get a positive feedback from CAO’s office about the transfer of their chief.


When contacted, Nakhaima refuted the allegation of swindling the money in question.


He says that the Murugurwe bridge and other projects they are quoting are already done except the Nakhumunyu bridge.


Nakhaima says that all projects are done by the district but not the sub county meaning if there is any delay, it’s the district answerable.


Meanwhile, Mutenga has described the allegation as political saying his opponents are behind this with the aim of unseating him in the 2026 general election.


He urged them to play good politics instead of malice because people on the ground will later discover their lies.


Mutenga says he went to the office of the CAO last month asking the transfer of his chief after locals insisted they don’t want him, but the CAO promised to carry out massive district transfers in September urging locals to be calm.


Jackson Wakwaika, the LCV Chairperson of Namisindwa has urged locals to use lawful means if they want the chief to be transferred than holding laws in their hands by closing the sub county head offices.


By press time, the offices were still locked.



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