Details Emerge On How Former Tororo College HM Was Clobbered, Petrol Burnt to Death

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By Our Reporters




The most recent former Head master, St. Peter’s College, Tororo, Joseph Olokojo was on the night of Tuesday, August 13, 2024 killed by yet unknown assailants at his home in Ogolla village located in Hospital Avenue, Tororo Municipality.


According to the Widow who spoke to our reporter on Wednesday, 14th August, she and her husband, now deceased had their usual super at about 10:00PM and proceeded to their bedroom where they had a prayer together.


Mrs. Olokojo Bernnet says a few minutes after midnight, the deceased heard strange footsteps inside his compound prompting him to get out to crosscheck.


“When he took long to come back inside the house, I decided to move out only to find him burning and rolling on the floor at the balcony,” she narrates.


She says, they tried to put out the fire using water but they were only escalating the fire, they then used sand which eventually put it out. Immediately she called a one Reverend Father who responded and helped take the deceased who was still alive to St. Anthony hospital at around 1am. He was immediately referred to Mbale regional referral hospital where he was pronounced dead.


Evidence at the scene indicates that there was a fight between the killers and the deceased where the latter sustained serious injuries that left him helpless. Petrol was then poured on him when he was unconscious and set on fire.


A match box and strange footmarks were recovered from the crime scene at his compound by the police.


The police also tried to launch the sniffer dog to the scene and the dog only followed the footmarks up to around National Water offices where it’s suspected that the arsonists fled using a motorcycle as motorcycle tires were seen at the spot.

The Bukedi regional police spokesperson Moses Mugwe has said they have initiated investigation on the circumstances that surrounded his death and the general public will be informed.


The headteacher of St. Peters College Luke Emuron upon hearing the incident wondered why a humble person like Olokojo would be attacked in this manner.


He has asked the police to investigate the matter to its logical conclusion as a tool to temporary comfort for the St. Peter community who seemingly are living in denial of their fellow head teacher’s death

Who was Francis Joseph Olokojo?

Francis Joseph Olokojo was born 4 February 1961in Ngora district where he attended his P.1-P.6 at St. Aloysius Demonstration school from 1967-1972, he later joined Nagongera seminary in 1973 where he attained Primary Leaving examination certificate and O’level at the same school in 1973-1977.

He then joined Teso College Aloet for A Level and later proceeded to Makerere University from 1980-1979 for a degree and concurrent diploma in education.

Olokojo has been married to the head teacher of Rock View primary Bennett Olokojo and the two had five children

He joined St. Peters College in 1989 as a teacher and retired from the school on 4th February 2021 as a head teacher after reaching mandatory retirement age.

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