Police Chief spills on Shakib’s potential case against Zari

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In an audio message, Lutaya, also known as Cham, expressed that such actions have repeatedly caused him public embarrassment and have severely affected his mental health.

In response, Zari, who appeared to be intoxicated to some observers, claimed that she did not invite Platnumz to South Africa.

She also reminded Shakib that the Tanzanian singer is no longer a threat, stating they had moved on from each other. Furthermore, she bluntly told her husband that he cannot set rules in their relationship as his contributions are insignificant.

He further revealed that Zari is too frugal to give money to a man, noting that the only time she gave him cash was during a trip to Tanzania, where she earned around $40,000 (approximately Shs150 million) and handed him just $2,000 (about Shs7.4 million).

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