Man United fans donate items to special needs pupils ahead of Premier League season kickoff

Man United fans donate special needs to Pakele Girls pupils ahead of Premier League season kickoff 1

Adjumani, (UG):- In a rear show of compassion and community care, a section of fans of the great Manchester United in Adjumani District recently donated assorted items to the neediest children of Pakele Girls Primary School ahead of kickoff for the new Premier League which gets underway this Friday.

The items which were given to the needy children included 3 boxes of washing soaps, a carton of pads, 2 cartons of plastic cups with sixty per carton, 25kgs of sugar and 2 cartons of water. 

The donation comes in the wake of the fans celebrating their victory in the Emirate FA Cup last season against Manchester City at Wembley. The celebration that took place on Saturday 3rd/08/2024 at a famous club Oasis Dynasty attracted not only Manchester United fans but also from other famous European clubs.

The organizing chairman for the Emirate FA Cup celebration for Adjumani district chapter Mr. Logi Kennedy congratulated the entire fans who contributed towards this day and said that they had thought of sharing the little they had with the vulnerable and needy persons in their community and they chose Pakele Girl’s primary school in particular because of it hosting and educating the neediest children. 

“Pakele girls’ primary school is an inclusive school which has both the able and disabled pupils and pupils with special needs facing various challenges”. Logi said.

Manchester United worldwide has the biggest fanbase and is known for charitable activities. “we therefore as Manchester United fans of Adjumani district wanted to emulate what Manchester United is known for,” Logi said.

“My appeal to football fans and the general public is to share the little they have with those that have completely nothing and those needy children or even orphans who cannot help themselves for the bible says give and you will receive your blessings from the Lord.

According to Mr Logi, this helping won’t end with this but rather continue to be given to the neediest children in the community when the need arises 

Pakele Girls’ Primary School Headteacher, Mrs Adrupio Delphine Amajuru expressed her joy to the great Manchester United fans of Adjumani district for thinking about Pakele girls’ primary school and sharing their celebration with the needy children.

Pakele Girls teaches children with various disabilities like physically impaired children, visually impaired, deaf and others, being a school with children of various disabilities, they face various challenges and every little support counts.“

According to Delphine, these children faced challenges of poor sanitation facilities, few classrooms blocks for the learners, lighting, feeding and accommodation for the staff who teaches them. all these challenges lead to poor performance by the children.

Mrs Masudio Lilian one of the diehard fans of Manchester United urged the general public to emulate what this group have done and should not only end with them but also extend a helping hand to these needy children. “Do not neglect these vulnerable children, they are the future leaders of tomorrow” says Masudio.

The support by Manchester United fans of Adjumani district is the first of its kind from an association or locally formed groups”. Says Adrupio 

Nicknamed the Red Devils, Manchester United Football Club was founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878 but changed name to Manchester United in 1902. After a spell playing in Clayton, Manchester, the club moved to their current stadium, Old Trafford, in 1910.

Domestically, Manchester United have won a record 20 top-flight league titles, 13 FA Cups, 6 League Cups and a record 21 FA Community Shields. The club has also won the European Cup/UEFA Champions League three times, and the UEFA Europa League, the UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup, the UEFA Super Cup, the Intercontinental Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup once each.

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