Makerere University’s Mbale Branch First Coordinator, William Wasike Passes On

IMG 20240813 WA2013

By Weswa Ronnie




Makerere University on Tuesday, 13th August, 2024 lost its first university coordinator Mbale Study Centre, Mr. William Wokona Wasike who served as the university coordinator from the late 70s up to 2001.


He died aged 86 years and hailed from Namisindwa District in the Bugisu sub region.


Mr Wasike is credited with securing Makerere University Institute of Adult and Community Education land in Mbale City along Mumias Road to house the university complex.


As the university coordinator, Wasike worked with academic giants like Magode Ikuya, Prof Kiboma and Chango Macho among others.


He served the university with the highest form of professionalism and also worked closely with both FRONASA and later on served as local council two chairman in the municipal council of Mbale.


While working with the university, he was also involved in political activism alongside the likes of Changa Macho who was a staunch supporter of the FRONASA and this brought them issues with President Amin in the mid-70s. Macho later left university service and served as minister in Museveni’s Government


Besides serving as Makerere University coordinator, Mr Wasike was also involved in resistance politics and served as an LC II chairman in Mbale municipal council in the early 90s.


We have lost an academic icon” stated Hon Magode Ikuya, the current minister of state for East African affairs


Prof Kiboma said Mr Wasike served diligently and Makerere University should record an official recognition, a view validated by many members on the Mbale University forum like Engineer Sakwa, Mr Napokoli and Dr Wanyakala among others.


The Makerere University Mbale Centre is among the three official centres of the university, alongside the Jinja Centre and Lira Centre serving the east of Uganda.


Located on Mabala Road, the center is well documented in both Makerere University records and Mbale Municipal Council records.


Stephen Masiga, the Makerere university coordinator Mbale study center says when he took over as coordinator after he had exited university service, he found very organized records left by Mr Wasike.


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