City lawyer Matovu remanded over theft of Shs4b meant for Busoga Cooperative Union

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The Anti-Corruption Unit together with the Criminal Investigation Department and Office of Director of Public Prosecution yesterday arraigned Mr. John Matovu, an advocate with Ms Matovu &Matovu Advocates before the Anti-Corruption Court on Charges of theft by an agent and conspiracy to defraud government of over Shs4 billion.

The accused, while entrusted as one of the advocates for Busoga Growers Cooperative Union to pursue war loss compensation claims from the government, conspired and stole the funds.

The bail ruling will be made on August 16.

He joins Basoga Charles, the Chairperson Busoga Growers Cooperative and others who are on trial over the same. He has been remanded until August 16, 2024.

Basoga Charles, the Chairperson Busoga Growers Cooperative Union was arraigned before the Anti-Corruption Court on Charges of causing financial loss and conspiracy to defraud the government of over Shs4 billion.

The accused and others still at large between 2018 and 2023 conspired and defrauded over Shs4 billion meant for war loss compensation by the government to Busoga Growers Cooperative Union. He has been remanded until August 1, 2024.

According to the prosecution, Basoga, while serving as the Chairperson of the Busoga Growers Cooperative Union between 2018 and 2023 in Jinja District, received    Shs569.5 million in funds meant for war loss compensation. It is alleged that he misappropriated the funds for personal use, knowing or having reason to believe that such an act would cause financial loss to the Union.

The prosecution further alleged that Muganza, while employed as the District Commercial Officer, abused his authority by arbitrarily receiving 250 million shillings. Meanwhile, city lawyers Matovu and Makada are accused of theft by agent, stealing Shs4.051 billion and Shs1.2 billion, respectively.

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