BREAKING: Senior Police Officer Arrested over Extortion While Masquerading As NEMA Staff

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By Our Reporter




National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has arrested a senior police officer and two others for masquerading as NEMA staff in their dubious acts of extorting money from the public.


The Police officer, ASP T. Niwagaba, Police Constable J. Musubire and a civilian A. Katooto who claimed to be a staff of Ministry of Water were arrested on Tuesday, 13th August, 2024 in Hoima.


According to a statement from NEMA, the trio has been extorting money from petrol stations and other businesses in the Albertine Graben region.


“At the time of their arrest, they had collected UGX 500,000 from a petrol station in Kiboga after the station failed to produce an ESIA cert, yesterday, Aug. 13th, 2024,” reads the statement in part.


NEMA says the armed impersonators were arrested by their team from the Regional Office in Hoima through a high level operation. “They are facing charges of impersonation and unlawful extortion of money while armed & in Uganda Police uniforms. They pleaded guilty and asked for forgiveness,” reads the statement.

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