‘I need all of you off the streets; come to my office’ – McDan to street hawkers


“Come, I’ll give you jobs. The last time, I took you people to go and learn jobs, but only two people stayed over there. Very soon, I’ll stop giving you money. I need all of you out of the street. Come to my office next week,” McDan said in a video circulating on social media.

In a separate matter, McDan has addressed rumours about his health. Speculations had arisen suggesting that he was paralysed, with some even claiming he had passed away. However, McDan has firmly dismissed these rumours, assuring the public of his good health.

“Let me tell Ghanaians that they shouldn’t be worried. I’m alive, and I’m strong. It’s just a rumour. It’s only God who takes care of us. No man has power over us, so I’m strong. You can see I just finished playing tennis. I played one hour of tennis this morning. I’m looking okay,” McDan said.

He urged Ghanaians not to be concerned about his health and to disregard the ongoing rumours. McDan also reassured the public of his continued dedication to serving the country.

“So, Ghanaians shouldn’t worry. I know how much Ghanaians love me, and my love also goes out to them. Those who heard it and got worried shouldn’t be worried. I’m alive and very strong, and I’m still continuing the good things I’m doing for this country,” he added.

McDan owns several companies, including McDan Shipping Company Ltd, McDan Aviation, McDan Logistics Ltd, McDan Investments, and McDan Real Estate, spanning industries such as logistics, aviation, finance, and real estate.

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