Gov’t Releases Burial Program for Former President’s Press Secretary, Tamale Mirundi


By Our Reporter




The burial program for the former press secretary to President Museveni and a prominent political commentator, Tamale Mirundi Joseph is out.


According to President Museveni’s Deputy Press Secretary, Kirunda Faruk, Tamale who passed away on yesterday, 13th August, 2024 will be laid to rest on Sunday 18th Aug, 2024 at Kalagala Village, Kaliisizo in Rakai District. The Burial Ceremony starts at 10:00am.


He also says that a Vigil will be held at Tamale’s residence at Zana today, 14th followed by Requiem Mass on Thursday 15th Aug at St. Gyaviira Catholic Church Bunamwaya at 10:00am.


After the Requiem Mass, the body will be taken back to Zana Residence for Overnight Vigil.


Friday 16th August, the Body will be taken to Kyengera Residence for Mass at 10:00am and Overnight Vigil.


Saturday 17th August, the Body leaves for Kalagala Village in Kaliisizo, Rakai District for Vigil.


Sunday 18th Aug – Burial Ceremony starts at 10:00am at Kalagala Village, Kaliisizo in Rakai District.


Earlier this year, Mirundi was diagnosed with multiple health issues, including low blood pressure and kidney-related complications. Despite these challenges, he remained active in the public sphere until his health deteriorated.

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