Kasuku, Bebe Cool, Balaam mourn death of Tamale Mirundi


Kasuku posted: “Guys Wats this am hearing Eeeeeeeh My guy Mirundi senior is gone Eeeeeeeh eeeeeh eeeh”

Barugahara, who is the the Minister of State for Youth and Children Affairs, wrote on X: “‘It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Tuesday @Radio4UG, @Radio7Uganda & @radio8uganda panelist and Gen @mkainerugaba’s PLU Buganda spokesperson, Mzee Joseph Tamale Mirundi. He has left an indelible mark with his unwavering boldness and unforgettable presence. Mzee Tamale’s legacy will live on in our hearts, and his contributions to our shows will forever be cherished. His final appearance on Radio4 will be deeply remembered. Rest in eternal peace, Mzee Tamale. Your voice will be greatly missed.’ #RIPMzeeTamale #Radio4 #PLUBuganda

Joseph Tamale Mirundi, a former presidential press secretary, was announced dead on Tuesday night.

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