Nabbanja draws the line on Kiteezi residential areas

hpome03pix data

The Prime Minister has asked those staying within a 200-meter radius of the Kiteezi landfill in Wakiso District to vacate the area immediately.

While addressing residents of Kiteezi yesterday afternoon, Ms Robinah Nabbanja said this is meant to ensure their safety.

This comes days after part of the landfill collapsed on Saturday, leaving more than 20 people dead and properties destroyed.

“Don’t go back there, stay here [within the tents erected to accommodate the affected residents of the landfill collapse],” Ms Nabbanja said, adding, “And ensure you are registered so that we can find an effective way of planning for you.”

Some residents mumbled at the announcement while others were seen shaking their heads in disagreement. 

Without giving details, Ms Nabbanja informed the affected residents that the government was going to find other places to dump the rubbish. 

She assured the residents that additional resolutions would be provided following the Cabinet meeting of top government officials, where the issue was a priority on the agenda. 

The Cabinet meets every Monday.

The Prime Minister’s remarks were part of the resolutions from an earlier closed-door morning meeting, where various stakeholders discussed the tragedy and sought a way forward.

The meeting was attended by Ms Nabbanja, the leadership of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), including Lord Mayor Elias Lukwago, KCCA Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka, State minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness, and Refugees Lillian Aber, and other respective leaders of Kiteezi.

During the meeting, Ms Nabbanja acknowledged that “someone slept on the job” which led to the tragedy and that they would be dealt with.

Earlier, several sources told Monitor that at least 14 excavators were digging through the rubble in a search, rescue and recovery operation. 

Ms Nabbanja said the government would provide five more excavators to boost the exercise. 

The government is also giving Shs5 million to families who lost their loved ones in the tragedy while those who sustained injuries will get Shs1 million.

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