JUST IN! 3 Foreigners Nabbed Attempting to Obtain Ugandan Passports Illegally

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By Our Reporter




Three foreign nationals have been arrested today, 13th August, 2024 for attempting to illegally obtain Ugandan passports


According to a statement issued by the Immigration Department, the three are; a Nigerian and two Cameroonians who were caught trying to acquire passports at their Kampala Central Office.


The Nigerian, Rahman Adam Bolakale fraudulently used a national ID under the name Makekenke Adam Rahman, despite having a valid Nigerian passport to apply for ours. He claimed to be a Mufumbira with a Muganda mother.


The Cameroonian duo; Sah Cruz Nyinameke alias Kato Kruz and Sah Yuri Kor-Nyui alias Wasswa Alex who identified themselves as Baganda Twins presented fraudulently acquired national IDS despite having genuine Cameroonian passports.


“Inquiries are ongoing to identify Ugandans who are helping foreigners in fraudulently acquiring passports,” reads the statement in part.

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