Famous City Lawyer Nabbed With Shs 10Billion Allegedly Meant To Fuel Youths To Protest In Kampala – March2Parliament Secrets Leak

images 2024 08 06T184438.496

In a significant development, Ugandan security forces have conducted a major intelligence- led operation involving a well-known Kampala-based lawyer, identified only by the initials E.K.

The lawyer was found with a substantial sum of 10 billion shillings, which authorities allege was intended to fund anti-corruption protests and escalate them into violent riots.

According to sources within the security agencies, E.K. is suspected of using these funds to intensify the protests, which have been driven by widespread allegations of corruption against high-ranking officials, including Parliament Speaker Anita Among.

The ongoing unrest has seen notable participation, with recent demonstrations leading to the arrest of over 100 youth, of whom only five have been granted bail so far.E.K., a prominent figure in Uganda’s legal community, is reported to have close ties with leaders of the GEN Z activists who have been instrumental in organizing and coordinating the protests.

The discovery of the substantial funds has raised serious concerns about the underlying motives of the protests and the involvement of foreign elements.President Yoweri Museveni has publicly commended security forces for their efforts in addressing the unrest.

In his statements last week, he characterized the demonstrations as attempts to create chaos, alleging that they are backed by foreign interests seeking to destabilize the government. Museveni indicated that he has accurate intelligence on the matter and suggested that more details will be disclosed in the future as the activists are tried in Court of Law.

He also advised protesters to avoid engaging with foreigners.Although E.K. was found with the money, he has not been arrested. The funds were reportedly claimed to belong to his foreign clients. Under Ugandan law, lawyers can handle transactions on behalf of clients in their absence if they have proper instructions.

However, the large sum and the ongoing investigation into E.K.’s financial activities have drawn significant attention.It remains unclear whether the 10 billion shillings has been seized or merely frozen by security agencies.

The investigation into E.K.’s role and the source of the funds continues, adding a new dimension to the ongoing mobilization of anti-corruption demonstrations.This development highlights the increasing scrutiny surrounding the current protests and the complex interplay of financial and political factors.

As the situation evolves, both national and international observers will be closely monitoring further revelations and the government’s response.

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