JUST IN: Parish Chief in Kapchorwa Sent On Remand Over PDM Cash

20240813 134624 scaled e1723548136221

By Our Reporter




The Parish Chief of Kongowo Parish, Kapsinda Sub County in Kapchorwa District has today Tuesday, 13th August been remanded over Parish Development Model (PDM) money.


Shamim Chebet who was arrested by the State House Anti-Corruption Unit was arraigned before Kapchorwa Chief Magistrate’s Court on charges of Obtaining Money by False Pretense and Conspiracy to Commit a Felony


According to the Charge Sheet, Chebet together with the LC II of Kongowo and the SACCO Chairperson who are still at large, between the month of August 2023 and January 2024 at Kongowo Parish, Kapsinda sub-County in Kapchorwa District, conspired to illegally demand and collect millions of shillings from hundreds of beneficiaries of Kongowo PDM SACCO as a condition for them to benefit from PDM funds.


Chebet has been remanded to Kapchorwa Government Prison until 22nd August, 2024 when she will reappear for mention of her case and probable bail application.


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