Witchdoctor fails to resurrect dead person as promised after being paid Shs300,000


A witch doctor in Nebbi district has been placed under house arrest by residents of Oweko Parish in Ndhew Sub County, after allegedly failing to resurrect a deceased person as promised.

The witch doctor, identified as Everlyn Canuroma, had been paid Shs300,000 to perform a miracle and bring the deceased back to life. However, after three days, the body remained unresponsive, leading to outrage among the mourners.

According to Yanijo Gabbi, the parish councilor representing Oweko Parish, the witch doctor had assured the family and friends of the deceased that she could resurrect the person, but failed to deliver on her promise. The community has since fined Canuroma one cow, two goats, and Shs420,000.

However, Resident District Commissioner Robert Abak has stated that the witch doctor will face charges for disrupting the peace of the deceased person. Abak also cautioned the community against relying on witch doctors to solve their problems, emphasizing the need for a more rational approach.

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