BREAKING! Venezuelan Women Protest Against One Man, One Wife

finland women.webp

By Our Reporter




Single Ladies in Venezuela have taken to the streets protesting against One Man One Wife.


In a video that has gone viral on Social Media, the bare breasted women who took to the streets this week were heard chanting and saying that a man should at least have 3 women minimum.


In 2022, the population of Venezuela amounted to approximately 28.3 million inhabitants, out of which about14. 3 million were women, and 14 million were men.


Deeper statistics by 2022 show that women in the more sexually active age bracket of 15 – 64 years were than men of the same bracket by 134,14.


In the less sexually active age group of 65 and above years, the number of women was even more by about 379,31. In total the officially sex active women were 513,45 more than men.


More distressing figures indicate that only a third of all Venezuela’s women are married, and another 20% live as concubines meaning that at least 13 million women are single and searching.

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