President Museveni to Commission Bukedea Multimillion Stadium, Sports Arena

BCS stadium nearing completio n Photo By George Emuron 3 scaled e1723452776560

By George Emuron



Speaker Anita Joined By Ofwono Opondo inspecting the works Photo By George Emuron 1 scaled e1723452914746
Speaker Anita Joined By Ofwono Opondo inspecting the works (Photo By George Emuron)

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is expected to commission the Bukedea multimillion stadium and sports Arena in the district.


The commissioning is slated to take place on 18th, August 2024 ahead of the Federation of East African Secondary Sports (FEASSSA).


The FEASSSA games will kick off on the same date and are hosted by Bukedea comprehensive school and Amus College School.


William Wilberforce Tukei, the Bukedea Resident District Commissioner who’s the chairperson organizing committee told this publication that the President will be the chief guest.


“I want to call upon the people of Bukedea and Teso at large to turn up in big numbers to witness the commissioning of this multimillion stadium project and Sports Arena, the first of its kind in Bukedea and Teso,” said Mr. Tukei.


Recently President Museveni commissioned Speaker Anita Teaching Hospital and praised her for being focused in developing the country.


Prof. Jonas Gumiziriza, the director of Bukedea comprehensive school says about six countries have confirmed their participation.


He said being a host school, they are finalizing with the preparations.


“We are at our final stages of preparations and I want to confirm that we are more than ready to host these games”, said Mr. Gumiziriza.


Mary Ako,l the district chairperson Bukedea rallied the Bukedea residents to venture into small scale business within the FEASSSA period in order to generate household incomes


Two weeks ago, Parliament Speaker Annet Among Anita inspected the construction works and she was later joined by the executive director Uganda media centre, Ofwono Opondo.


During the inspection, she emphasized the aspect of developing talents of young Ugandans.


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