Uganda, Rwanda Defence Chiefs meet in Kigali after Kagame’s swearing-in – The Kampala Report



In a significant display of bilateral cooperation, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), met with his Rwandan counterpart, Gen Mubarakh Muganga, Chief of Defence Staff of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), at the RDF Headquarters in Kigali today.

The meeting, attended by senior military officials from both countries, including Maj Gen James Birungi and Brig Gen Richard Karemire from Uganda, and Lt Gen Vincent Nyakarundi from Rwanda, aimed to discuss pressing bilateral and regional security matters.

Gen Kainerugaba described the meeting as a return visit, following his counterpart’s visit to Kampala in May, underscoring the ongoing security dialogues between Uganda and Rwanda. This engagement highlights the strong relations between the two nations, built on mutual trust and cooperation.

During his visit, Gen Kainerugaba also attended President Paul Kagame’s swearing-in ceremony at the Amahoro Stadium on Sunday, further solidifying the bond between the two countries.

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