UNEB Sets Dates for Display of Registered Candidates for 2024 National Exams

UNEB Executive Director Dan Odongo.webp

By Our Reporter




The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has informed Heads of Centres that they are required to display the lists of candidates registered for the 2024 Examinations as provided for in the UNEB Act 2021 Section 4(2).


In an X Handle Tweet today Monday, 12th August. 2024, the Examinations body says this year’s mandatory period of display will run from 12h August – 11h October, 2024.


During this period, parents and candidates are advised to crosscheck the accuracy of the Bio-data that includes spelling and order of names, date of birth in the order prescribed by UNEB (Day, Month and Year), Gender and right photograph of the candidate.


Amendments/adjustment on PLE Candidates can be done by filling an Amendment Form provided on the Portal and submitted to UNEB.


However, for UCE and UACE, Heads of Examination Centers will have to write amendment request letters, attach copies of National IDs and Birth Certificates.

Parents in schools without Examination Centers are strongly advised to establish where their children have been registered and confirm that they are duly registered.


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