Breaking the 8 is not possible without God – NAPO


Running mate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, widely known as NAPO, has said that the party’s chances of winning the December 7 election ultimately lie in God’s hands than being solely reliant on the party’s strategies.

“The possibility is only with God. Nothing is possible unless there is God inside… Just like I tell my party it is not the planning for winning the election because, with the Methodist Church behind us, we will surely win it.”

“Whether you admit it or not, it is only God who can make the angels and the stones turn and come and vote for us. It is only God who can grant us the favour of men.”

“It is only God who can change the hearts of leaders to make them better leaders,” he stated.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has been on a determined quest to “break the eight,” a phrase that signifies their ambition to win three consecutive national elections in Ghana’s Fourth Republic. This goal is particularly challenging as no political party in Ghana has achieved this feat since the inception of the Fourth Republic in 1992.

According to him, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), will use every possible means to win the December 2024 elections by engaging all avenues available to the party. The MP made these remarks while addressing a charged crowd of NPP members during a campaign tour in Nsawam in the Eastern Region.

He emphasised that, the NDC would continue to stay in opposition, regardless of efforts they put in the upcoming December 2020 General elections.

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