McBrown to fund release of 47 inmates for 47th Birthday – Crime Check Foundation

Chief Executive Officer of the Crime Check Foundation, Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng, has revealed that actress Nana Ama McBrown plans to fund the release of 47 prisoners. He stated that this gesture is part of McBrown’s 47th birthday celebration on August 15, 2024.

In the video, Mr. Oppong Kwarteng was seen with some inmates at the Akuse Prison, one of the facilities set to benefit from McBrown’s generosity.

“The Bible says we should draw near to the prisoners, be a source of encouragement to them, and share the good news, because being in prison is not a joke.” he further remarked.

Earlier in February 2024, during Mr. Oppong Kwarteng’s appearance on the ‘McBrown Kitchen’ show, McBrown, moved by his philanthropic works, pledged to contribute to his projects.

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