Suspected robber remanded over broad day city robbery – The Kampala Report

Suspected Robber Remanded

Suspected Robber Remanded

A 24-year-old Mubaraka Sharayimu also known as Musiramu Mundari has been remanded to Luzira Prison on charges of aggravated robbery.

Sharayimu was on Thursday remanded by the Court presided over by the Grade One Magistrate Jalia Basajjabalaba who didn’t allow him to say anything about the charges on grounds that they are capital in nature. The charges can only be tried by the High Court which also has the powers to hear his bail application.

The Court heard that Sharayimu and others still at large on the 15th day of July 2024 at ESO Corner along Jinja Road Kampala Central robbed Josh Keshav an Indian National.

The prosecution alleges that Sharayimu robbed his Laptop Bag Containing a Laptop HP, cash of 150,000 shillings, a charger, a Mouse, and keys all valued at approximately 2.5 million shillings, and that he used a deadly weapon; a panga which was in his possession.

The resident of Nsoba Kalerwe Kawempe Division Sharayimu was remanded until August 21st, 2024.

Keshav is a victim of the broad day robberies that have been rampant in the recent past within Kampala City.

According to a CCTV footage that went viral on various social media platforms, Josh Keshav a Tour and Travel Company Operator based at Crown House in Kampala was trailed by unknown assailants riding Boda Boda’s and ambushed while at ESO Corner in Kampala.

Police reports and the footage indicate that Josh Keshav was cornered by several riders during heavy traffic and he sustained minor injuries.

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