SOROTI: Security Measures Tightened Ahead Of International Youth Day Celebrations

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By Steven Enatu




Soroti city is gearing up for the national Youth Day Celebrations on August 12th, with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni expected as the chief guest. But ahead of the event, security officials are leaving no stone unturned to ensure a peaceful and secure environment.


In a security meeting chaired by James Small Chemutai, Soroti City West Deputy Resident City Commissioner stringent security checklists were issued to hotel managers and petrol station managers to be followed.


Security team has also barred petrol stations from turning their spaces into parking yards, and is urging them to thoroughly check the status and genuine names of their customers


According to the Soroti City Mayor, Joshua Edogu, hotels and petrol stations have been identified as potential security threats in the past. He notes that many people will be using these facilities for accommodations, food, and fuel during the celebrations.


“We want to ensure that everyone is safe and secure. We’re calling on hotel and petrol station managers to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.” Edogu said.


Chemutai also added that the meeting is aimed at pacifying Soroti city ahead of the President’s visit and the ball games in Bukedea. The meeting involves all top security operatives, Soroti city leaders, Hotel managers and petrol station managers.


The national Youth Day celebrations will take place on August 12th at Soroti Core PTC. Security officials are urging everyone to cooperate and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.


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