UWA Disburses over Shs3BN to 6 Districts Surrounding Murchison Falls

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By Our Reporter




The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has disbursed Shs3, 151,730,162 in revenue-sharing funds to six districts surrounding the Murchison Falls Protected Area.


The disbursement event held at Nwoya district headquarters on 7th August, 2024 was presided over by the Minister of Tourism, Hon. Tom Butime.


The six benefiting districts are; Pakwach district that received Shs360, 339, 273 Million, Buliisa district with Shs810, 577, 781M, Masindi with Shs297, 978, 765M, and Kiryandongo got 746, 780, 468M.


Others are; Oyam district with Shs220, 504, 355 and Nwoya district receiving Shs715, 549, 520M.


The payments are in appreciation to the role played by communities in safeguarding Uganda’s heritage.


On behalf of the UWA Board of Trustees, Mr. Raymong Engena, appreciated the support from the districts and pledged the commitment of the Board to ensure communities benefit from the conservation work done by UWA.

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