Martha Ankomah recalls LilWin asking for GTP favour years ago


“You know the iPhone keeps records. So, this was the only time Lil Win called me and asked for a favour with the very GTP he insulted me with,” Martha said.

“God being so good, I spoke to GTP. I don’t know if he went to see them or not. But, if Lil Win would speak the truth, he reached out to thank me afterwards,” she added.

The movie star noted, “I also sent him a number for him to call, adding that they had assured him he would be given a good deal. I asked him to reach out to me in case he needed further assistance. That’s the only time I ever spoke to Lil Win. I’ve not seen him physically before.”

According to Martha, Kumawood star actor and producer Lil Win “wanted GTP to print school uniforms for his school. And he said that when he spoke about this to people, he was told Martha Ankomah was the GTP brand ambassador,” so he contacted her.

Lil Win’s Great Minds International School in Kumasi was established in 2018. The GTP collaboration deal was sought in 2019.

What makes the serial brand ambassador’s disclosure to Accra FM unusual is that, in the viral video where Lil Win insulted her, he attacked her GTP brand ambassadorial deal.

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