UWA Captures Monstrous 500kg Crocodile in Ntoroko District

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By Our Reporter



The Problem Animal Capture Team of Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has retrieved a monstrous 500 kg Crocodile that has already mauled two persons of Kacwankumu landing site on Lake Albert in Ntoroko, Western Uganda.


This giant crocodile that had for long terrorized fishermen in this area was captured 2nd August 2024 and in the afternoon.


“This wild beast measuring 4.5 meters and weighing 500 kilograms was then transferred to its new home, far away from humans where it can continue to enjoy its wild undisturbed life while the locals can also enjoy their happy lives as well,” says a UWA statement.


Between January 2023 and July 2024, it is reported that this 45 year old crocodile had mauled two people, and killed one, while also severely injuring four others. This had for long left the villagers in condition of total fear.


Although the crocodile has now been moved away from humans, we cautioned the locals to remain vigilant as there could still be other crocodiles lurking in the waters. We commend our incredible capture team for yet another awesome job well done.


This dangerous Operation was supervised by Twahirwa Richard, ARDC Ntoroko

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