NAMISINDWA: District NRM Executive to Screen Sub County Registrars Ahead of Party Primaries

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By Weswa Ronnie




The National Resistance Movement (NRM) Namisindwa District Party executives are going to conduct fresh screening of all sub county registrars as they head to party primaries.


According to NRM party road map, Party Primaries at all levels across the country shall take place in May, 2025.


While speaking to our reporter in an exclusive interview on Monday, 5th August, 2024 at Buwabwala church of Uganda located at Buwabwala sub county, Charles Nasimolo, the Namisindwa district NRM vice chairman said the exercise is soon going to commence.


According to Nasimolo, in the 2021 general election, they registered a big number of NRM Independent leaning candidates due to irregularities which were done by sub county NRM party registrars.


He mentioned the party registrars of sub counties of Mukhuyu, Mutoto, Buwatuwa, Bubutu town council among others who were compromised with money and changed election results on declaration forms.


John Musila, Member of Parliament representing Bubulo East constituency in Namisindwa district who contested as NRM independent in 2021 general election welcomed the move saying this is going to promote transparency during the coming Party Primary elections.


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