MBALE: 50 Yr Old Woman Faking Pregnancy Arrested Over Baby Theft

Crime scene

By Brian Makawa



 Police in Mbale district is holding a 50- year old woman who has been faking pregnancy on charges of stealing a 3 months old baby girl.


The suspect, Namagembe Mwajub, a resident of Namawanga village in Bungokho Sub County allegedly stole the baby from its mother, Shakira Nakato of Bushikori parish in the same Sub County.


According to Rogers Taitika, the Elgon region police spokesperson, the crime was committed on Friday, 2nd August, 2024 and that police is investigating how the child was stolen.
The suspect is in custody at Busoba police in Mbale district on charges of Child Theft under CRB 315/2024.


He says that it is alleged the suspect has for long faked a pregnancy to her husband, a one Yefusa.

Mr. Chris Mafabi, the LC3 chairperson of Bungokho Sub County condemned the act urging married couples to be faithful and transparent to one another to avoid such cases.

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