Shocking: D/Speaker Tayebwa Breaks Silence On Reported Helicopter Crash!


Uganda’s Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa, survived a helicopter crash on Saturday evening.  The crash reportedly occurred while he was returning to Kampala from Bushenyi in southwestern Uganda, where he had attended a state function earlier in the day. Thankfully, there’s no cause for alarm.

Via his twitter, Tayebwa has assured the public that he and his colleagues were safe following reports of a helicopter accident.

“Dear all, my colleagues and I are all okay. No one is hurt,” he wrote on X.

Commenting on the Deputy Speaker’s post, the Vice Chancellor of Victoria University Dr. Lawrence Muganga said: “‘We thank God for your life and the lives of the colleagues you were with. The God we serve says: “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.’ – Isaiah 46:4. May God’s blessings continue to shine upon you, filling your life with love, peace, and happiness.”

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