Why Government Can’t Deploy 2024 Intern Doctors

Dr. Ruth Jane Aceng Ocero

By Our Reporter




The Ministry of Health has issued a statement saying that government has no financial and technical capacity to deploy the intern Cohort of 2024.


In a policy statement dated 2nd August, 2024, the Minister of Health, Dr. Ruth Aceng says the money allocated to the Ministry for this purpose for FY2024/25, Shs35, 661,600,000 can only deploy 1500 Interns.


Aceng says the total number of Interns eligible for deployment is 2076 and 743 Senior House Officers (Post Graduate Medical Doctors).


Dr. Aceng explains further that to deploy one intern, government spends Shs1.3M per month which translates into Shs15.6M per annum. Therefore the amount available can handle 1500 Interns only.


“Against this background, the Ministry can only deploy the Cohort of 2023 and the previous years totaling 1,435 Medical Interns,” Dr. Aceng says.


She explains that the remaining 65 positions shall be shared between Dental Surgeons, (22) and Government sponsored Pharmacists (43) from the 2024 Cohort that she says are in short supply.

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