I am in pain, please don’t forget your promise to me – Drogba reminds Dr Bawumia


Peasah’s sister, Hannah Mensah, shared that his health issues began during the final season of YOLO. Since then, friends and fans have rallied to raise funds for his treatment. In response, Dr. Bawumia, the NPP flagbearer, visited Drogba at his home and pledged financial support for his medical bills.

I want to use this opportunity to thank the vice president of the land, @mbawumia, for honouring my visit to his office and also for visiting my house and for the support,” Peasah wrote.

He continued, “I would like to say that I might look better, but inwardly, I’m in excruciating pain… this pain is not explainable. Please, I want to remind him not to forget his promise for my treatment outside. Thank you.

The post has since been attracting mixed reactions from social media users. “Mr Bawumia…u can choose to lie to Ghanaians..but this one dierrr our brother needs ur help…we dey beg waaa,” an Instagram user wrote. See the post below and don’t forget to say a prayer for Drogba.

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