JUST IN: Ferry Connecting Nakasongola to Amolatar Districts Resumes Full Operations

MV Kyoga

By Our Reporter




MV Kyoga 2 that connects Nakasongola and Amolatar districts, and neighbouring districts like Kaberamaido, Dokolo has resumed full operations today 31st July 2024.


This was confirmed by Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) in a statement published on Tuesday, 30th July, 2024 following what it calls, ‘successful sea trials.’


The two MV Kyoga Ferries, Kyoga 1 and Kyoga 2 had earlier on the 22nd July, 2024 been withdrawn after they developed mechanical defects.


UNRA says it has successfully repaired the MV Kyoga 2 and it will now resume full-scale operations.


“This development now allows us to focus on the maintenance of MV Kyoga 1,” reads the statement in part.


This follows the temporary closure of the Zengebe – Namasale ferry route on the 22nd July, 2024 after the Kyoga 1 and Kyoga 2 Ferries developed mechanical problems.

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