BUDAKA: LC1 Chairperson Rapes Epileptic Patient, Arrested


By Weswa Ronnie




Police in Budaka district have arrested a 52 year old LCI chairperson of Bunyekero village, Kameruka Sub County in Budaka district.


Muhammed Wajje Elias AK Kawuta was arrested on Monday, 29th July, 2024 is currently being detained at Budaka police station waiting to appear in courts of laws Vide Case Number CRB 224/2024


According to Samuel Semewo the police spokesperson of Bukedi North region, the victim is Hadija Muwugumya aged 20 years and a resident of Kawulumu village Iki -iki parish, Iki -iki Sub County in Budaka district, daughter to Muhammed Tagonankona 53 years.


He says that the complainant and the father of the victim claimed not to have understood her daughter’s health since she was fond of sleeping all the time.


The concerned father informed the victim’s mother only identified as Lukia who had been away for some time.


Semewo adds that when the mother reached home, she observed and asked her daughter about her situation.


“It is from here that the victim revealed that it was Kawuta who sexually harassed her to the extent of impregnating her,” says Semewo.

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