Ugandans have supported us, but we never come through for them when they need us — Azawi slams artists for silence on corruption


Amidst the ongoing corruption talk and protests, singer Priscilla Zawedde, alias Azawi, has criticized Ugandan artists for remaining silent, saying it’s during such times that celebrities should stand with the majority of Ugandans to fight the vice.

According to Azawi, Ugandans have supported the artists for a long time, but many singers side with the government after being compromised with money allocated to them.

“Ugandans have supported all of us, but many of us never come through for them when they need us. Now, like for this anti-corruption protest, the majority of the artists are silent as they are compromised because they were given Shs5 billion,” said Azawi during an X (formerly Twitter) space discussion.

Azawi believes that it’s not too late for artists to also turn up for Ugandans and speak up about issues that affect them.

“Artists should use their platforms and influence to speak against issues that affect our people,” she said.

Since the announcement of the march to parliament protest, Azawi has been very vocal about the cause, criticizing the government for neglecting and trying to silence the voices of young people.

During the X space discussion, she humorously stated, “Our leaders have stolen everything from us (young people). I think if it were possible, they would even steal our age.”

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