“I can never separate from Makula as she’s the most beautiful woman inside and out,” says Pastor Bugingo as he promises to hold the biggest wedding

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Pastor Aloysius Bugingo of House of Prayer Ministries International has said that he has never imagined his life without his fiancée, Susan Makula, as they are both committed to loving and staying together until death does them part.

While presiding over Sunday prayers at Canaan Land in Kikoni, Bugingo refuted reports of their separation, which made the rounds last week.

“I am a man who respects my values and integrity. I can never separate from Makula, as she is the most beautiful woman, both inside and out,” said Bugingo, standing with Makula at the pulpit.

“After failing to assassinate me with bullets, they are now trying to assassinate my personality,” Pastor Bugingo said.

However, he vowed that he and Makula are here to stay, as they are already planning one of the biggest weddings Ugandans will ever witness.

“We are searching for a very big venue, bigger than Kololo Grounds,” he said.

Last week, reports made the rounds about how Pastor Bugingo had run away from their home in Namayumba, Wakiso district. It was further stated that he had gotten a new girlfriend.

Pastor Bugingo and Susan Makula’s relationship has been the subject of public interest due to the circumstances of their union. In 2021, Pastor Bugingo made an official visit to Susan Makula’s parents, a step that hinted at their commitment to their relationship.

This move came after Bugingo filed for divorce from his estranged wife, Teddy Naluswa. Pastor Bugingo and Teddy Naluswa have four children together: three daughters named Doreen Gift, Winnie, and Jennifer Bugingo, as well as a son named Miracle Bugingo.

Despite the fact that the court has not yet made a ruling on their divorce, Bugingo seems to have already moved on. Meanwhile, Bugingo and Makula are yet to have a child together.

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