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Museveni replaces Ssali with Kakooza

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President Yoweri Museveni has appointed Alex Kakooza as trade ministry (MTIC) permanent secretary (PS).

Kakooza replaces embattled Geraldine Ssali who was arrested and charged on July 18, 2024 before the Anti-Corruption Court, over allegations of causing financial loss and conspiring with Members of Parliament to conspire to steal co-operatives’ cash.

In an Internal Memo, to the ministers and heads of department at MTIC, dated Thursday, July 25, 2024, Alfred Oyo Andima who is the Under Secretary and heads the finance and administration department in the ministry said: “The Minister (Francis Mwebesa) has instructed me to invite you for a meeting on Friday, July 26, at 10:00 am in the Ministry’s boardroom. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce and welcome Kakooza, the Permanent Secretary to caretake the MTIC. You are expected to be punctual for the meeting,” Andima stated.

Kakooza, who served as permanent secretary in the education ministry until July 2021, had been transferred to the President’s office and served as the Principal Private Secretary to the Vice-President.

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