Security Forces Nab 3 Suspects in Connection to Karamoja Robberies and Murders

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In a decisive operation, joint security forces have apprehended three prime suspects linked to illegal firearms possession, recent robberies, and the murder of civilians in the Kaabong and Kotido districts of the Karamoja Sub-region.

According to Major Isaac Oware, the Public Information Officer for the 3rd Division of the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF), the suspects were detained on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. The individuals arrested are Aleu Lomeri from Kaitach village, Kachem Chem Parish, Kalapata Town Council, Kaabong district; Komol Longole from Moruedikae village, Kalapata Town Council; and Lukwakori Bosco from Mamulope Village, Losilang Parish, North Division, Kotido Municipality.

The suspects are accused of being part of a gang that ambushed civilians on July 16, 2024, along the Kamion-Nawontosi road in Kaabong district, during which they stole an undisclosed amount of money and property. The gang has also been terrorizing residents in the areas of Kamioni, Timu, and Kalapata in Kaabong district, and were implicated in the abduction of Lowol Joseph Nalapa, whose decomposed body was discovered on July 24, 2024, by security detectives in Kaabong district.

Lukwakori Bosco was found in possession of a firearm (number 1515) with three live rounds of ammunition at the time of his arrest.

“Once investigations are complete, the trio will face trial for illegal possession of firearms, murder, robbery, and other charges in courts of law,” stated Major Oware.

The suspects are currently being held at the 3rd Division headquarters in Moroto army barracks pending further investigation and potential prosecution.

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