Local News

Former MP Simon Peter Aleper Killed in Hit-and-Run Incident

WhatsApp Image 2024 07 23 at 00.18.22

Busoga East Police have confirmed the tragic death of Simon Peter Aleper, a former Member of Parliament, in a hit-and-run accident. The incident occurred around 1 am at Bukoona on the Iganga-Tirinyi highway.

Aleper was driving his white Toyota V8 (registration number UAP 787Q) when it collided with another vehicle from Iganga while heading towards Mbale. Assistant Inspector of Police Brian Magoola from Iganga Police Station reported that the unidentified vehicle lost control, striking Aleper’s car.

Tragically, Aleper succumbed to his injuries at the scene. Police, including traffic officers, swiftly responded, transferring Aleper’s body to Mulago National Referral Hospital for a postmortem examination. His vehicle was taken to the Iganga police yard for further investigation.

Simon Peter Aleper, who previously represented Moroto Municipality from 2011-2016 and served as Vice Chairperson of the NRM for the Karamoja region, leaves behind a wife and six children. He will be remembered for his contributions to his community and his involvement in regional politics.

Aleper’s funeral arrangements include his burial at his ancestral home in Kangole Town Council, Napak District.

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