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Latest Update: 60 Remanded Over anti Corruption Protests

Anti Corruption

Dozens of individuals who joined anti-corruption rallies in Kampala on Tuesday, defying an official ban, have been arrested and charged, their lawyers confirmed. Around 60 protesters, including a prominent TV and radio presenter, a social media influencer, and several young protest leaders, were swiftly brought before the courts and remanded in custody on charges such as being a “common nuisance.”

President Yoweri Museveni had warned that the demonstrators were “playing with fire.” Riot police enforced roadblocks and sealed off roads to parliament, ensuring a heavy presence in the capital. Authorities stated that no demonstrations threatening Uganda’s “peace and security” would be permitted.

The anti-corruption rallies were inspired by similar movements in neighboring Kenya, drawing significant participation from young Ugandans. The country, plagued by graft and ranking poorly on Transparency International’s corruption index, has witnessed several high-profile scandals involving public officials.

Prominent figures among the detained include TV presenter Faiza Salima and protest organizers George Victor Otieno, Kennedy Ndyamuhaki, and Aloikin Praise Opoloje. Their swift trials have been criticized by lawyers, who pledged to secure justice for the detained protesters.

Human Rights Watch condemned the arrests, highlighting the deteriorating state of rights in Uganda. On the eve of the rallies, authorities also targeted the opposition National Unity Platform, arresting three MPs from the party led by former presidential candidate Bobi Wine.

Wine praised the protesters for their courage, despite the brutal crackdown. Corruption remains rampant in Uganda, with recent sanctions from the US and UK targeting several officials, including the parliament speaker, for alleged corruption. High-profile figures are also facing trials for embezzling funds meant for public projects.

Human rights lawyer Ezra Rwashande emphasized the protesters’ determination to fight corruption, vowing continued action until corrupt officials are ousted from office.

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